The varied landscape afforded by the andaman islands was soon passed , however , and the rangoon rapidly approached the straits of malacca , which give access to the china seas 所有安达曼群岛的美丽的景物,都飞快地从船旁掠过。仰光号迅速地开向马六甲海峡,这条海峡是通向中国领海的门户。
Indignantly , it reported how primitive tribesmen came out of the jungle armed with bows , arrows and spears , raided a village in india ' s middle andaman island and looted tools , food , clothes , cash and jewelry 印度当地报纸愤愤不平地报道:一伙原始部落的人冲出丛林,手持弓箭和长矛,袭击了位于印度中安达曼岛上的一个村庄,将工具、食物、衣服、现金和珠宝首饰洗劫一空之后扬长而去。
" jarawa turn hostile " screamed the headline from the local paper . indignantly , it reported how primitive tribesmen came out of the jungle armed with bows , arrows and spears , raided a village in india ' s middle andaman island and looted tools , food , clothes , cash and jewelry 印度当地报纸愤愤不平地报道:一伙原始部落的人冲出丛林,手持弓箭和长矛,袭击了位于印度中安达曼岛上的一个村庄,将工具食物衣服现金和珠宝首饰洗劫一空之后扬长而去。